
High-speed train reaches Changbai Mountains in northeast China(1/3)

2021-12-24 19:25:24 Xinhua Editor :Gu Liping

A high-speed train is about to depart from the station of Changbaishan, or Changbai Mountains, in northeast China's Jilin Province, Dec. 24, 2021. A new high-speed railway line reaching the foot of the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province was put into operation on Dec. 24.(Xinhua/Lin Hong)

Aerial photo taken on Dec. 3, 2021 shows a high-speed train running in a trial operation of the new railway line reaching the foot of the Changbai Mountains in northeast China's Jilin Province. A new high-speed railway line reaching the foot of the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province was put into operation on Dec. 24.(Photo by Liu Shenku/Xinhua)

Staff members serves a passenger on a bullet train on the first operation day of the new high-speed railway line reaching the foot of the Changbai Mountains in northeast China's Jilin Province, Dec. 24, 2021. A new high-speed railway line reaching the foot of the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province was put into operation on Dec. 24.(Photo/Xinhua)

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