
Rare animal species first spotted in NW China's reserve(1/5)

2021-12-29 15:47:40 Editor :Cheng Zizhuo

Image provided by the authority of Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve demonstrates a snow leopard captured by an infrared camera in the reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province.

Infrared cameras have captured clear photos and footage of snow leopard and Felis bieti, or wildcat, both under the first-class state protection in China, for the first time in two areas of Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve in Qinghai.

Other second-class protected animals in China, namely Tibetan Snowcock, red deer, blue sheep, red fox, were also caught by cameras in the reserve.

Image provided by the authority of Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve demonstrates a Felis bieti, or wildcat, captured by an infrared camera in the reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province.

Image provided by the authority of Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve demonstrates a Felis bieti, or wildcat, captured by an infrared camera in the reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province.

Image provided by the authority of Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve shows a red fox appears in the reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province.

Image provided by Datong Beichuan River Source Area National Nature Reserve Authority shows a herd of red deer appears in the reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province.

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