
Public skiing competition opens in Beijing(1/5)

2022-01-04 15:42:48 Editor :Xue Lingqiao

A contestant attends a skiing competition at a snow park in Yanqing District, Beijing, Jan. 3, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Sheng Jiapeng)

Over 100 contestants participated in the skiing competition held in Yanqing. They will compete for champions of two snow events, including the alpine ski giant slalom and snowboard giant slalom.

A contestant attends a skiing competition at a snow park in Yanqing District, Beijing, Jan. 3, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Sheng Jiapeng)

Over 100 contestants participated in the skiing competition held in Yanqing. They will compete for champions of two snow events, including the alpine ski giant slalom and snowboard giant slalom.

A contestant attends a skiing competition at a snow park in Yanqing District, Beijing, Jan. 3, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Sheng Jiapeng)

Over 100 contestants participated in the skiing competition held in Yanqing. They will compete for champions of two snow events, including the alpine ski giant slalom and snowboard giant slalom.

A contestant attends a skiing competition at a snow park in Yanqing District, Beijing, Jan. 3, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Sheng Jiapeng)

Over 100 contestants participated in the skiing competition held in Yanqing. They will compete for champions of two snow events, including the alpine ski giant slalom and snowboard giant slalom.

A contestant attends a skiing competition at a snow park in Yanqing District, Beijing, Jan. 3, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Sheng Jiapeng)

Over 100 contestants participated in the skiing competition held in Yanqing. They will compete for champions of two snow events, including the alpine ski giant slalom and snowboard giant slalom.

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