
Aurora-like light pillars appear in Xinjiang(1/4)

2022-01-10 11:22:30 Editor :Zhang Dongfang

Photo shows the colored light pillars in Kanas scenic area of Altay, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Cai Shi)

Light pillars mostly occur in winter nights in cold areas when the light is reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

Photo shows the colored light pillars in Kanas scenic area of Altay, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Cai Shi)

Light pillars mostly occur in winter nights in cold areas when the light is reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

Photo shows the colored light pillars in Kanas scenic area of Altay, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Cai Shi)

Light pillars mostly occur in winter nights in cold areas when the light is reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

Photo shows the colored light pillars in Kanas scenic area of Altay, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. (Photo: China News Service/Cai Shi)

Light pillars mostly occur in winter nights in cold areas when the light is reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

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