
Ceremony held to worship sea goddess Mazu in Fujian(1/5)

2022-04-24 10:14:05 Editor :Li Yan

A grand ceremony marking the 1,062nd birthday of the sea goddess Mazu is held in her birthplace of Meizhou of Putian City, east China's Fujian Province, April 23, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Lin Chunsheng)

Mazu is a deified young woman named Lin Mo who is believed to have lived in the 10th century on Meizhou Island, where she dedicated herself to helping people in need and died attempting to rescue shipwreck victims at the age of 27.

A grand ceremony marking the 1,062nd birthday of the sea goddess Mazu is held in her birthplace of Meizhou of Putian City, east China's Fujian Province, April 23, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Lin Chunsheng)

A grand ceremony marking the 1,062nd birthday of the sea goddess Mazu is held in her birthplace of Meizhou of Putian City, east China's Fujian Province, April 23, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Lin Chunsheng)

A grand ceremony marking the 1,062nd birthday of the sea goddess Mazu is held in her birthplace of Meizhou of Putian City, east China's Fujian Province, April 23, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Lin Chunsheng)

A grand ceremony marking the 1,062nd birthday of the sea goddess Mazu is held in her birthplace of Meizhou of Putian City, east China's Fujian Province, April 23, 2022. (Photo: China News Service/Lin Chunsheng)

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