
Train derailment kills at least 17 in Iran(1/5)

2022-06-08 16:33:09 Editor :Li Yan

Rescuers work at the scene where a passenger train partially derailed near the desert city of Tabas in eastern Iran, June 8, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

A passenger train partially derailed in eastern Iran early Wednesday, killing at least 17 people and injuring 50 more.

Rescuers work at the scene where a passenger train partially derailed near the desert city of Tabas in eastern Iran, June 8, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers work at the scene where a passenger train partially derailed near the desert city of Tabas in eastern Iran, June 8, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers work at the scene where a passenger train partially derailed near the desert city of Tabas in eastern Iran, June 8, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers work at the scene where a passenger train partially derailed near the desert city of Tabas in eastern Iran, June 8, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

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