
Tibetan Opera Troupe promotes world's longest epic(1/8)

2022-06-28 16:30:37 Editor :Li Yan

Performers from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stage a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

The Epic of King Gesar was inscribed on the UNESCO list of world intangible cultural heritage in 2009.

Performers from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stage a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Performers from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stage a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

A performer from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stages a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

A performer from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stages a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

A performer from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stages a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Performers from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stage a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

A performer from the Tibetan Opera Troupe stages a Tibetan opera piece based on the Epic of King Gesar in Banma County, Qinghai Province. (Photo provided to China News Service)

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