
Hidden self-portrait of Van Gogh found behind another painting(1/4)

2022-07-15 13:46:21 Editor :Li Yan

A staff member views "Head of a Peasant Woman" (1885) alongside an X-ray image of the hidden Van Gogh self portrait. A previously unknown self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh has been discovered behind another of the artist’s paintings. The National Galleries of Scotland said Thursday it was discovered at the back of Van Gogh’s “Head of a Peasant Woman” when experts took an X-Ray of the canvas ahead of an upcoming exhibition. (Photo/Agencies)

An X-ray image of the painting “Head of a Peasant Woman” (1885) by Vincent van Gogh reveals a self-portrait of the Dutch artist. (Photo/Agencies)

Detail on the back of Vincent Van Gogh's "Head of a Peasant Woman" (1885) painting, seen June 19, 2022, in Edinburgh, Scotland. (Photo/Agencies)

A staff member views "Head of a Peasant Woman" (1885) by Vincent Van Gogh on June 19, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

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