
China's second lab module Mengtian delivered to launch site(1/5)

2022-08-09 10:23:03 Editor :Li Yan

Mengtian, meaning "Dreaming of Heavens", the second lab module of China's Tiangong Space Station, is transported from its production site to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. Mentian lab module will undergo a series of testing before joining China's Tiangong Space Station. (Photo: China News Service/Tu Haichao)

Mengtian, meaning "Dreaming of Heavens", the second lab module of China's Tiangong Space Station, is transported from its production site to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. Mentian lab module will undergo a series of testing before joining China's Tiangong Space Station. (Photo: China News Service/Tu Haichao)

Mengtian, meaning "Dreaming of Heavens", the second lab module of China's Tiangong Space Station, is transported from its production site to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. Mentian lab module will undergo a series of testing before joining China's Tiangong Space Station. (Photo: China News Service/Tu Haichao)

Mengtian, meaning "Dreaming of Heavens", the second lab module of China's Tiangong Space Station, is transported from its production site to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. Mentian lab module will undergo a series of testing before joining China's Tiangong Space Station. (Photo: China News Service/Tu Haichao)

Mengtian, meaning "Dreaming of Heavens", the second lab module of China's Tiangong Space Station, is transported from its production site to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. Mentian lab module will undergo a series of testing before joining China's Tiangong Space Station. (Photo: China News Service/Tu Haichao)

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