
Singapore's first giant panda cub turns 1-year-old (1/3)

2022-08-12 17:16:47 Editor :Li Yan

Le le, the first giant panda born in Singapore turns one year old on August 14. A birthday celebration was held in the River Wonders' giant panda forest exhibit in Singapore, Aug. 12, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

Le le (R), the first giant panda born in Singapore, celebrates with its mother Jia Jia (L) ahead of its 1st birthday, in the River Wonders' giant panda forest exhibit in Singapore, Aug. 12, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

Le le, the first giant panda born in Singapore turns one year old on August 14. A birthday celebration was held in the River Wonders' giant panda forest exhibit in Singapore, Aug. 12, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

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