
Hong Kong PLA garrison completes 25th troop rotation(1/4)

2022-08-30 10:26:51 Editor :Mo Hong'e

A handover ceremony is held at the People's Liberation Army Navy Force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, August 29, 2022.(Photo/China News Service)

The Hong Kong garrison of the People's Liberation Army completed its 25th rotation on Monday.

The rotation is an annual move performed by PLA troops since the first batch was stationed in the city in 1997.

A handover ceremony is held at the People's Liberation Army garrison in south China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, August 29, 2022. (Photo/China News Service)

A handover ceremony is held at the People's Liberation Army Air Force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, August 29, 2022.(Photo/China News Service)

Military vehicles of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) conduct a routine rotation in south China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Aug. 29, 2022. (Photo/China News Service)

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