
Times Square set to become 'gun free zone' in New York city(1/5)

2022-09-01 14:16:57 Editor :Li Yan

A person takes a photo of a New York Police Department Public Affairs officer setting up signs reading Gun Free Zone around Times Square in New York, U.S., Aug. 31. (Photo/Agencies)

New York's Times Square will become a "gun free zone" under a law that goes into effect Thursday.

A New York City police officer installs a sign that reads "gun free zone" at Times Square as new gun laws are due to come into effect, in New York, U.S., August 31, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

A "gun free zone" sign is seen at Times Square as new gun laws are due to come into effect, in New York, U.S., August 31, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

A sign similar to what is to be placed in the Times Square "gun free zone" is seen in New York, U.S., August 31, 2022. (Photo/Agencies)

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