
Cradle of Civilization: Haihun Principality Site(1/15)

2022-10-08 17:07:07 Editor :Xue Lingqiao

The site of Haihun Principality of Han Dynasty in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, is composed of Zijin Capital City, the tomb of Liu He, the first Haihunhou or Marquis Haihun, the western and southern tombs of the city site. The excavation of the marquis tomb began in 2011. Over 10,000 cultural relics have been found including gold and bronze ware and bamboo slips. The Nanchang Relics Park of Haihun Principality of Han Dynasty opened in 2020.

Haihunhou Tomb is the most complete Western Han Dynasty cemetery ever found.

Haihunhou Tomb is the only tomb excavated in south of Yangtze River with real vehicles.

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