
Chinese giant pandas meet public in Doha's first Panda House ahead of World Cup(1/12)

2022-11-18 09:15:57 Xinhua Editor :Li Yan

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

Giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar on Nov. 17, 2022. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)

With the 2022 Qatar World Cup just three days away, Doha's first ever Panda House officially opened to the public on Thursday.

Giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar on Nov. 17, 2022. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

The giant panda Jing Jing is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

The giant panda Si Hai is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Photo by Nikku/Xinhua)

The giant panda Jing Jing is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar, Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

Giant panda Jing Jing is seen at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha, Qatar on Nov. 17, 2022. The two giant pandas, three-year-old female Si Hai and four-year-old male Jing Jing, made their first public appearance on Thursday ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

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