
Culture Fact | Explore nature's marvels in Zhangjiajie(1/6)

2023-03-10 17:27:37 Editor :Liu Yimeng

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in central China's Hunan province, has been named one of the 25 most beautiful places in the world by CNN Travel.

The park boasts diverse geography and picturesque landscapes, and it is the first national forest park in China.

It is world-renowned for its stunning quartz-sandstone pillars and rock formations, which are breathtaking to behold.

The park is also rich in ecological resources, home to over 400 species of wild animals and more than 850 kinds of woody plants, making it a valuable conservation area.

The park's stunning scenery served as the inspiration for the floating mountains in the 2009 Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar," bringing it worldwide fame.

Overall, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a must-visit destination that offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

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