
Customers line up to withdraw money at SVB (1/4)

2023-03-14 10:10:53 Editor :Li Yan

Customers stand in line outside Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarter to withdraw money in Santa Clara, California, U.S., March 13, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Liu Guanguan)

Customers at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are expected to have access to their funds Monday after the federal government took over the two institutions.

Customers stand in line outside Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarter to withdraw money in Santa Clara, California, U.S., March 13, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Liu Guanguan)

Customers stand in line outside Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarter to withdraw money in Santa Clara, California, U.S., March 13, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Liu Guanguan)

Customers stand in line outside Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarter to withdraw money in Santa Clara, California, U.S., March 13, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Liu Guanguan)

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