
Meatball made with mammoth DNA unveiled in Amsterdam(1/5)

2023-03-30 10:19:08 Editor :Li Yan

A meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth is presented at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands, March 28, 2023. (Photo/Agencies)

The unusual delicacy was created as part of a scientific experiment using advanced molecular engineering to demonstrate the potential of cultured meat to revolutionise the food industry. Using new and innovative technology, the mammoth meatball was created from the DNA of the extinct woolly mammoth and completed with fragments of African elephant DNA - the mammoth's closest living relative.

A meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth is presented at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands, March 28, 2023. (Photo/Agencies)

A meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth is presented at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands, March 28, 2023. (Photo/Agencies)

A meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth is presented at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands, March 28, 2023. (Photo/Agencies)

A meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth is presented at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands, March 28, 2023. (Photo/Agencies)

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