
Themed exhibition celebrates inauguration of National Natural History Museum of China(1/6)

2023-06-07 10:50:03 Editor :Li Yan

Visitors view animal specimens at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

A themed exhibition, "Curator's Choice Collections, Preserving the Past for the Future," opened on Tuesday, marking the first exhibition held in the museum after its inauguration. It showcases the museum's collection of fine works from different periods, focusing on the research achievements during the past 72 years. Some of the precious exhibits are on show for the first time.

A kid views specimens at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

A girl views specimens of two birds at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

Visitors view animal specimens at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

Visitors try multimedia touch screen at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

Visitors view animal specimens at the National Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, June 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

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