
Recovery work carried out after heavy rainfall in NE China's Jilin(1/8)

2023-08-07 15:51:21 Editor :Li Yan

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

A total of 14 people had been killed as of 10 p.m. on Sunday and more than 100,000 people have been affected due to the continuous rainfall in Shulan, one of the hardest-hit places in northeast China.

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service)

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force carry out clean-up in a village in Shulan, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 6, 2023. (Photo: China News Service

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