
University of Hong Kong receives first lunar samples for scientific research(1/6)

2023-08-07 17:02:57 Editor :Li Yan

Lunar soil samples collected by the Chinese lunar probe Chang'e-5 are displayed in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

With a total weight of 822.6 milligrams, the lunar samples arrived in Hong Kong for the first time.

Doctor Yuqi Qian displays one of the lunar soil sample he retrieved from Beijing in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A glass vial of lunar soil sample is displayed in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A slice of lunar soil sample is displayed in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

A slice of lunar soil sample is displayed in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

Journalists take photos of lunar soil sample in the University of Hong Kong, Aug. 7, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Hou Yu)

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