
One carrier rocket sends seven satellites into space(1/4)

2023-08-10 14:33:50 Editor :Li Yan

A CERES-1 Y7 carrier rocket carrying 7 satellites, including the Xiguang-1 01 satellite, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Jiangbo)

The Xiguang-1 01 satellite is mainly used to provide earth observation services, including ecological environment, agriculture and forestry, land resources, Marine economy, natural resources, smart city, atmospheric environment, disaster prevention and reduction, forest fire monitoring.

It was the 7th flight mission using the CERES-1 rocket series.

A CERES-1 Y7 carrier rocket carrying 7 satellites, including the Xiguang-1 01 satellite, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Jiangbo)

A CERES-1 Y7 carrier rocket carrying 7 satellites, including the Xiguang-1 01 satellite, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Jiangbo)

A CERES-1 Y7 carrier rocket carrying 7 satellites, including the Xiguang-1 01 satellite, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Jiangbo)

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