
Shaxian delicacies(1/4)

2024-01-03 18:03:04 Ecns Editor :Mo Honge

Pressed salted ducks.

Pressed salted duck is a local specialty of Zhenghu Township in Shaxian county, Fujian province.

Zhenghu pressed salted ducks are made of meaty Banfan ducks that are wild-raised in local crop fields.

During the production process, a layer of sesame oil is wiped evenly on the duck to increase flavor and to preserve the duck against insects.

Peanut sauce noodles.

This delicacy got its name because its seasoning is made from a ground peanut sauce.

Originating in a rural county in Sanming, Fujian Province, Shaxian delicacies have evolved from local street food to a nationwide sensation.

With more than 100 choices on the menu, Shaxian delicacies include steamed dumplings, noodles, wontons, and pressed salted ducks.

In Shaxian County, each snack has its own story.

Steamed Pork Dumplings

Originating in a rural county in Sanming, Fujian Province, Shaxian delicacies have evolved from local street food to a nationwide sensation, with franchises spread across the country.

With more than 100 choices on the menu, Shaxian delicacies include steamed dumplings, noodles, wontons, and pressed salted ducks.

In Shaxian, each snack has its own story.

Steamed dumplings.

Originating in a rural county in Sanming, Fujian Province, Shaxian delicacies have evolved from local street food to a nationwide sensation, with franchises spread across the country.

With more than 100 choices on the menu, Shaxian delicacies include steamed dumplings, noodles, wontons, and pressed salted ducks.

In Shaxian, each snack has its own story.

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