
Stream rings appear on Italy's volcano(1/3)

2024-04-07 13:26:29 Editor :Li Yan

Steam ring against the sky, after being blown from the Bocca Nuova vent of Mount Etna, a volcano on the island of Sicily, Italy, April 6, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

Steam rings are generated when a pulse of steam is ejected from a near-cylindrical volcanic vent. The steam in the centre of the pulse is propelled by thermal forces, whereas the steam at the edge of the ring suffers drag from the surrounding air. This drag rotates the steam and forms this annular (ring- shaped) vortex that can remain stable for several minutes.

Steam ring against the sky, after being blown from the Bocca Nuova vent of Mount Etna, a volcano on the island of Sicily, Italy, April 6, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

Steam ring against the sky, after being blown from the Bocca Nuova vent of Mount Etna, a volcano on the island of Sicily, Italy, April 6, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

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