
Giant panda Xiang Xiang celebrates her 7th birthday in Tokyo(1/4)

2024-06-13 09:54:20 Editor :Wu Xinru

Japanese fans of Xiang Xiang, a Chinese female giant panda born in Japan, appreciate the photos of her and her family when celebrating her seventh birthday at the China Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhu Chenxi)

Xiang Xiang was born at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo of Japan on June 12, 2017 to Shin Shin (female) and Ri Ri (male), two giant pandas on loan from China. She came back to China in 2023.

Japanese fans of Xiang Xiang, a Chinese female giant panda born in Japan, appreciate the photos of her and her family when celebrating her seventh birthday at the China Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhu Chenxi)

Japanese fans of Xiang Xiang, a Chinese female giant panda born in Japan, appreciate the photos of her and her family when celebrating her seventh birthday at the China Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhu Chenxi)

Japanese fans of Xiang Xiang, a Chinese female giant panda born in Japan, appreciate the photos of her and her family when celebrating her seventh birthday at the China Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhu Chenxi)

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