
Theme concert of Sino-U.S. Youth Friendship held in Beijing(1/6)

2024-06-14 10:47:59 Editor :Wu Xinru

An opening ceremony for the theme concert of the “Bridge of the Future” China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program is held in Beijing on June 12, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

Chinese and American youths reviewed the history of bilateral exchanges, shared stories of cooperation, performed cultural and artistic programs, and experienced China's intangible cultural at the concert on Wednesday.

A creative magic show attracts young people from China and the United States at a theme concert of the Sino-U.S. Youth Friendship held in Beijing on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

A Sichuan opera show attracts young people from China and the United States at a theme concert of the Sino-U.S. Youth Friendship held in Beijing on June 12. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

A young Chinese girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume demonstrates traditional Chinese etiquette to U.S. Friends before the theme concert begins in Beijing on June 12, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

American young people sing and dance before the concert begins in Beijing on June 12, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

Chinese and American young people experience street dance together before the concert begins in Beijing on June 12, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

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