
World's largest liquid air energy storage demonstration project expected to be commissioned by end of the year(1/4)

2024-06-19 13:18:40 Editor :Wu Xinru

The world's largest liquid air energy storage demonstration project is under intense construction and expected to be put into operation by the end of the year in Golmud City, Northwest China's Qinghai Province, on June 18. (Drone photo: China News Service/ Ma Mingyan)

The demonstration project has an installed capacity of 60,000 kilowatts/600,000 kilowatt-hours.

The picture shows the construction site of the world's largest liquid air energy storage demonstration project in Golmud City, Northwest China's Qinghai Province, on June 18. (Drone photo: China News Service/ Ma Mingyan)

The picture shows the construction site of the world's largest liquid air energy storage demonstration project in Golmud City, Northwest China's Qinghai Province, on June 18. (Drone photo: China News Service/ Ma Mingyan)

The picture shows the construction site of the world's largest liquid air energy storage demonstration project in Golmud City, Northwest China's Qinghai Province, on June 18. (Drone photo: China News Service/ Ma Mingyan)

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