
Rescue work underway in First Ancestral Hall of Hakka(1/7)

2024-06-21 10:23:12 Editor :Wu Xinru

Local officials and cultural relics experts check the situation of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall, known as the "First Ancestral Hall of Hakka," in East China's Fujian Province on June 20. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

Two rows of horizontal houses on the east and west sides of the Ancestral Hall collapsed on Monday due to heavy rain.

Local officials and cultural relics experts check the situation of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall, known as the "First Ancestral Hall of Hakka," in East China's Fujian Province on June 20. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

The photo shows the collapsed houses on the east and west sides of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in East China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

Some items are damaged in the flood-soaked Li Clan Ancestral Hall in East China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

The photo shows the collapsed houses on the east and west sides of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in East China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

The photo shows the collapsed houses on the east and west sides of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in East China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

The main building of the Li Clan Ancestral Hall suffers minor damage while houses on the east and west sides collapsed due to heavy rain in East China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Jinchuan)

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