
Wild animals appear at the foot of Kunlun Mountains(1/7)

2024-06-21 11:35:52 Editor :Wu Xinru

Tibetan foxes play together in the snow at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

In recent years, from snow-capped mountains to lakes, from forests to grasslands, the local ecology has continued to improve, building a comprehensive pattern of ecological protection and governance.

Herds of Tibetan antelopes forage in the meadows at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

Drones capture the photo of herds of wild yaks foraging on the meadows at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

A herd of Tibetan antelopes roam on the meadows at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

An owl makes a cute face to the camera while resting at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

Wild animals play together on the meadows at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

Herds of wild yaks run on the meadows at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains near Golmud City, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zong Buer)

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