
Extended metro line put into operation in Paris for upcoming Olympics(1/3)

2024-06-25 11:35:33 Editor :Wu Xinru

The photo shows a metro train entering a station of a new line of the Paris Metro June 24, with the emblem of the Paris Olympics printed on the door. (Photo: China News Service/ Li Yang)

The extended lines of the Paris Metro have been put into operation in Paris for upcoming Olympics.

Passengers come to the new station of the Line 14 of the Paris Metro on June 24, the day of its inauguration. (Photo: China News Service/ Li Yang)

The extension project has been designed for the upcoming Olympic events and will bring convenience to the people.

Passengers come to the new station of the Line 14 of the Paris Metro on June 24, the day of its inauguration. (Photo: China News Service/ Li Yang)

The extension project has been designed for the upcoming Olympic events and will bring convenience to the people.

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