
Paris mayor swims in Seine to prove water purity for Games(1/6)

2024-07-18 11:05:09 Editor :Li Yan

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at the Paris Olympics later this month in Paris, France July 17, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

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