
Panda pair to debut at U.S. San Diego Zoo in Aug(1/4)

2024-07-22 11:34:27 Editor :Li Yan

Photo released by San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on July 19, 2024 shows Yun Chuan, eating bamboo at his new home at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California, the United States. (Photo provided to China News Service)

The panda pair that arrived at the San Diego Zoo from China earlier this summer will make their public debut on August 8, 2024.

Photo released by San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on July 19, 2024 shows Xin Bao playing at her new home at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California, the United States. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Photo released by San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on July 19, 2024 shows Xin Bao playing at her new home at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California, the United States. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Photo released by San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on July 19, 2024 shows Yun Chuan playing at her new home at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California, the United States. (Photo provided to China News Service)

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