
Triathlon postponed over River Seine pollution levels(1/3)

2024-07-31 10:57:17 Editor :Li Yan

General view of the river as the men's individual triathlon is postponed as pollution levels in the River Seine remain too high in Paris, France, July 30, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

The men's Olympic triathlon was postponed just hours before it was due to start on Tuesday after an inspection of the River Seine found that pollution levels were still too high for athletes to safely swim in.

General view of the river as the men's individual triathlon is postponed as pollution levels in the River Seine remain too high in Paris, France, July 30, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

General view of the river as the men's individual triathlon is postponed as pollution levels in the River Seine remain too high in Paris, France, July 30, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

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