
Beijing's heritage site shines at Night(1/4)

2024-08-16 10:52:35 Editor :Li Yan

A spectacular light show is staged on the Bell Tower on the northern tip of the Beijing Central Axis to showcase the charm of the ancient capital, Beijing, Aug. 15, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

The Beijing Central Axis, or Zhongzhouxian, stretches 7.8 kilometers between the Yongding Gate in the south of the city and the Drum Tower and Bell Tower in the north. Most of the major old-city buildings of Beijing sit along this axis.

A spectacular light show is staged on the Bell Tower on the northern tip of the Beijing Central Axis to showcase the charm of the ancient capital, Beijing, Aug. 15, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

A spectacular light show is staged on the Bell Tower on the northern tip of the Beijing Central Axis to showcase the charm of the ancient capital, Beijing, Aug. 15, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

A spectacular light show is staged on the Bell Tower on the northern tip of the Beijing Central Axis to showcase the charm of the ancient capital, Beijing, Aug. 15, 2024. (Photo/VCG)

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