
Bridge undergoes static load testing in Sichuan(1/5)

2024-09-20 16:37:39 Editor :Li Yan

Trucks loaded with goods park on the Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge to conduct static load testing in Hejiang County of Luzhou City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Sept. 19, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Li Guiping)

The bridge is one of 20 river crossings on Luzhou section of the Yangtze River in Sichuan.

Trucks loaded with goods park on the Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge to conduct static load testing in Hejiang County of Luzhou City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Sept. 19, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Li Guiping)

Trucks loaded with goods park on the Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge to conduct static load testing in Hejiang County of Luzhou City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Sept. 19, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Li Guiping)

Trucks loaded with goods park on the Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge to conduct static load testing in Hejiang County of Luzhou City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Sept. 19, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Li Guiping)

Trucks loaded with goods park on the Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge to conduct static load testing in Hejiang County of Luzhou City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Sept. 19, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Li Guiping)

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