
Tiananmen Square decorated ahead of National Day(1/5)

2024-09-26 10:28:46 Editor :Li Yan

Agiant flower basket is installed at Tiananmen Square to greet the upcoming National Dayin Beijing, Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Ziru)

The flower basket features new elements such as artificial vegetables and fruit.

Agiant flower basket is installed at Tiananmen Square to greet the upcoming National Dayin Beijing, Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Ziru)

Agiant flower basket is installed at Tiananmen Square to greet the upcoming National Dayin Beijing, Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Ziru)

Agiant flower basket is installed at Tiananmen Square to greet the upcoming National Dayin Beijing, Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Ziru)

Agiant flower basket is installed at Tiananmen Square to greet the upcoming National Dayin Beijing, Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Ziru)

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