
Double Ninth Festival: Honoring the senior people(1/1)

2024-10-11 10:27:59 Editor :Gu Liping

Chongyang Festival, also known as the Double Ninth Festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month on the Chinese lunar calendar. It falls on Oct. 11 this year.

In Chinese folklore, the number nine is a homonym of the Chinese word "jiu", which contains the auspicious meaning of "a long and healthy life." It is an annual festival to show respect and care for the elderly throughout China.

On this day, people hold many activities, such as enjoying the chrysanthemum, wearing the Zhuyu plant (Cornus officinalis) for protection against danger, eating Chongyang cakes, and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

In 2006, it was included in the first batch of the national intangible cultural heritage list.

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