
Giant panda Ai Lian celebrates 5th birthday in SW China’s Chonqging(1/3)

2024-10-21 10:22:08 Editor :Zhang Dongfang

Giant panda Ai Lian enjoy its birthday cake at the Lehe Ledu Theme Park in Chongqing, Oct. 20, 2024. Keepers made a birthday cake with bamboo shoots, bananas, purple kale, red dates, broccoli and carrots for Ai Lian’s 5th birthday. (Photo provided by Wang Chengjie to China News Service)

Giant panda Ai Lian enjoy its birthday cake at the Lehe Ledu Theme Park in Chongqing, Oct. 20, 2024. Keepers made a birthday cake with bamboo shoots, bananas, purple kale, red dates, broccoli and carrots for Ai Lian’s 5th birthday. (Photo provided by Wang Chengjie to China News Service)

Giant panda Ai Lian enjoy its birthday cake at the Lehe Ledu Theme Park in Chongqing, Oct. 20, 2024. Keepers made a birthday cake with bamboo shoots, bananas, purple kale, red dates, broccoli and carrots for Ai Lian’s 5th birthday. (Photo provided by Wang Chengjie to China News Service)

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