
Dinosaur fossils discovered in Hong Kong for first time(1/3)

2024-10-24 11:02:21 Editor :Li Yan

Photo released on Oct. 23, 2024 shows the dinosaur bone fossils discovered on Port Island in the Hong Kong Administrative Region. (Photo: China News Service/Chen Yongnuo)

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government on Wednesday announced that dinosaur fossils were discovered for the first time in Hong Kong. It was initially confirmed that the fossils datedback to the Cretaceous period (about 145 million to 66 million years ago).

Experts attend a press conference on the discovery of the dinosaur bone fossils discovered on Port Island in the Hong Kong Administrative Region, Oct. 23, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Chen Yongnuo)

Experts attend a press conference on the discovery of the dinosaur bone fossils discovered on Port Island in the Hong Kong Administrative Region, Oct. 23, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Chen Yongnuo)

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