
China launches CNS Sichuan amphibious assault ship(1/2)

2024-12-27 13:27:37 Editor :Li Yan

A launch and naming ceremony is held for PLA Navy's Type 076 amphibious assault shipat Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai, Dec. 27, 2024. (Photo/CCTV)

China unveiled its largest and most advanced amphibious assault ship on Friday in Shanghai, naming it after the southwestern province of Sichuan. With a hull code of 51, the CNS Sichuan is the first in the Type 076 class.

The ship is capable of displacing more than 40,000 metric tons of water and carrying fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and amphibious landing craft. It has a two-island superstructure configuration, a full-length flight deck and an electromagnetic launch system, or electromagnetic catapult, which will be used to launch fixed-wing aircraft.

A launch and naming ceremony is held for PLA Navy's Type 076 amphibious assault shipat Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai, Dec. 27, 2024. (Photo/CCTV)

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