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Chinese schools seek to 'upgrade' security guards (2)

2011-10-14 13:25    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Aqing
As of today, over 68,000 retired policemen have returned to duty serving as campus police in the 42 counties of Chongqing.

As of today, over 68,000 retired policemen have returned to duty serving as campus police in the 42 counties of Chongqing.

Upgrading security teams

Among the outcries for more efforts to better protect barehanded students from violence in schools, the voices calling for more professional security guards have been the loudest. Governments in various regions are also approaching the issue by upgrading campus security teams.

In Chongqing, campus police have begun to be stationed at elementary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens. As an innovational experiment, a certain number of retired policemen have been rehired by the local government to work as an "'upgraded" campus security force.

Last year in September, the newly- stationed campus force had successfully apprehended an armed prison breaker hiding in a local school, showing a preliminary success of the new approach.

As of today, over 68,000 retired policemen have returned to duty serving as campus police in the 42 counties of the municipality. As a result, a brand new security system made by campus police in addition to professional security guards has formed to safeguard local students.

Similar to the approach in Chongqing, Jiangxi Province in south China is deploying veterans as security guards for students.

Struck by school violence in the previous year, the northwestern Qinghai Province also put in active efforts by offering an average of four professional security guards armed with electric batons and gas guns in each school.

All the approaches that proved to be efficient in many of the regions should be considered as viable measures and need to be promoted nationwide, suggested the China Youth Daily.