脸书实习生月入7500美元 名企实习生工资大PK
Facebook interns earn $7,500 a month - double the average American salary
If you've ever wondered how much an intern at Facebook makes on average per month, look no further, as the social media giant pays its interns well over what the average American makes per month.
Facebook earned first place on last year's internship ranking from job site Glassdoor.
And it's no wonder the company's program earned that bragging right as interns flock to its Menlo Park headquarters every summer.
Glassdoor lists salaries for interns between $6,400 and $7,500 a month, which is significantly higher than what the average American makes at roughly $3,800, according to Business Insider.
Glassdoor网站列出的脸书实习生月薪在6400美元到7500美元之间,这要比美国知名财经科技网站Business Insider给出的约3800美元的美国平均月薪要多得多.
A recent survey cited by Bloomberg, showed wages for interns at $8,000.
That equates to $96,000 annually.
The Social Security Administration found that the national average wage index was $46,481.52 by the end of 2014.
In just three months over the summer, Facebook interns could make around $22,500; whereas, it would take an ordinary worker six months to hit $22,800.
Not only does the company pay its interns big bucks, Facebook also gives them lots of perks such as rent-free apartments and all-expense-paid trips.
The interns also get free food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Facebook's campus, theater performances, Alcatraz tours and scavenger hunts, according to Business Insider.
据Business Insider调查,脸书的实习生们还能在公司吃到免费的三餐,观看戏剧演出,到旧金山湾的恶魔岛上游览观光,还能几个人一起玩寻宝游戏.
Pinterest and Facebook were the companies with the highest paid interns, according to a survey released in April.
Janelle McGregory, an English and literature major at Spelman College in Atlanta, told the Insider that she applied on a whim to Facebook's FB University for Business program in 2015 after a recruiter visited her school.
詹尼尔•麦克格雷格里是位于亚特兰大的史贝尔曼学院英语文学专业的学生,她告诉Business Insider,她是在脸书招聘人员来校宣讲后心血来潮申请加入2015年脸书实习项目的.
She said: 'We're not just here to do grunt work,' she says. '[Facebook] allows us to really head our own projects, they really listen to what we have to say. They take our opinions seriously.'
A report that came out in April regarding internship pay showed that the median internship offer for an engineering-focused summer intern is about $6,800 a month.
Rodney Folz, a UC Berkeley student compiled a list of the top paid internships in Silicon Valley.