Deep down, there are those of us who believe that, if we only lived without the modern scourges of globalization, urbanization and social media, we might become enlightened students of Aristotle or Buddha.
“Time is life,” observed the renowned 20th-century writer, translator and educator Liang Shiqiu.
If the way of Go is ‘100,’ I only know about seven,” Japanese Go master Hideyuki Fujisawa once remarked. Humility aside, the recent defeat of world champions Lee Sedol and Ke Jie by AlphaGo has arguably proven Fujisawa’s point. “I only know about two percent…mankind’s knowledge of Go is far too limited,” Ke admitted at a press conference in May.
China, the Chinese fell in love and made it their own. It’s widely celebrated today, especially by young people, but hardly any of its Western connotations remain: it’s more like a Valentine’s Day without flowers and chocolates. Instead, we have apples and oranges!
Leisure or 闲 (xián) is increasingly a luxury in modern China, especially for those trapped in the rat race of the first and second-tier cities. The country’s rapid growth, combined with aspiration to do better than the previous generation, has left people little time to breathe.
"Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit, and on December 21, Earth will be at the point in its orbit when the North Pole is tilted at its maximum away from the sun," Schneider told CBS News.
It’s the age-old tale: boy meets girl, boy swaps bodies with girl, boy quarrels with girl, one of them enters a mixed martial arts competition.
The gate of Havana’s Chinatown protrudes above a four-lane street connecting the residential neighborhood of Central Havana to the local tourist destinations.
You came to grow grass again? I’ve been eating dirt! Now I have to chop off my hands again!” This is not, as you might first imagine, the tale of a dirt-eating landscape gardener with a severe self-harm complex; no, this is a shopaholic.
Picture the scene: You’re having a pleasant conversation when someone else joins in, and says something awkward, inappropriate, or utterly irrelevant. An awkward silence follows—someone has to resurrect the conversation, even though everyone knows that things are now weird, but they’re still talking and oh god why won’t it stop?