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Japanese cat becomes web star in China (2)

2011-06-17 10:24    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Li Heng
Uncle Shiro stands on aa wood log with glasses on histhe face

Uncle Shiro stands on aa wood log with glasses on histhe face

The cat lives in Japan's tsunami-hit town of Iwate. After the earthquake hit this March, many netizens worried about the cat and his family. When news of his safety spread, fans of the cat breathed a sigh of relief, said one of his followers.

He is already a star in Japan and many other countries. Books, DVDs, and websites about him are very popular right now. Many Westerners consider him a Zen master. They say he is most relaxed cat in the world.

In some sense, pictures of the cat show the world how easy one's life can be. The world is fast-paced and everyone is busy with their life. But the cat "shows" people that life can be comfortable. The cat's way of living is one reason why the young generation loves him so much.

In many pictures, the cat just lies on the floor quietly or curls up in a small basket, enjoying an unrestrained life with some of his cat friends. His peacefulness and quietness are very natural.

In China, in addition to the general population, many famous stars have also shown their love for the cat. They share pictures of the cat on their Weibo microblogs and even try to imitate the cat's look with their own pets. "Uncle Shiro" is reportedly one of "hottest" words on the internet in China this year.