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White-collared hardly relaxed during 'golden week'

2011-10-09 14:49    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Rui
Tuzhou bus station on October 1

Tuzhou bus station on October 1

(Ecns.cn) -- The passing "golden week" definitely saw a boom in business for all sorts of merchants in China. While for white-collared workers, the precious seven-day holiday unfortunately did not give them the opportunity to take a deep breath and rest well enough.

300 million travelers in one week

The record number of travelers during the National Day holiday has been refreshed this year by 300 million, according to statistics on October 8.

During the seven days, the domestic transportation system recorded a total of 530 million people, about 67 million of which were by train and some six million by air.

The special ministerial office for the National Day holiday announced that all 119 monitored scenic spots received around 24.3 million tourists and over 124.6 million yuan in revenues in the seven days, 8.84% and 10.57% more than those of the last year, respectively.

Sixty-five percent of netizens said there were "crowds all the time, instead of good views" in an online Weibo survey about the National Day holiday experiences.

According to the Xinmin Evening News on October 6, a tourist surnamed Wang intended to have a picture taken at the twin bridge in Zhouzhuang and only posed for two seconds after waiting for ten-minutes. When Wang later checked her photos at home, she couldn't even recognize the place.

Consumption craze brought fortune to professional bargainers

The national retail and restaurant industries made 69.62 million yuan in profits over the seven days, 17.5% more than that of last year.

The peak of restaurant revenues occurred on October 5, the Double Ninth Festival, at 25.7 million yuan.

Bargaining is a good alternative for shoppers to save some money. One bargainer told the Yangtse Evening Post on October 8 that he saved over 10,000 yuan from several deals on the vacation.