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Tips for keeping fit in dry autumn

2011-10-11 07:57    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Rui

(Ecns.cn) -- The autumns in China are usually dry. Here are some useful tips for season food selection to maintain a healthy life or even drive away puzzling diseases.

Grapefruits: optimal for diabetics

For those who worry about their figure, grapefruits are the best choice.

From a medical point of view, the more carbohydrates food contains the more blood sugar and insulin the body will produce after taking it in. This may lead to obesity, or even diabetes mellitus and heart attacks.

Grapefruits usually contain 9.5 grams of carbohydrates for every 100 grams. Two-hundred grams a day is the proper range. While for those suffering from what traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) calls deficiency-cold syndrome, please be careful not to enjoy too many grapefruits.

Picking out grapefruits also needs experience. By looking, smelling, and touching, choose ones with small tops and big tops , thin and smooth skin, and that are light green or yellow.

If it looks juicy and feels soft, it might be so.

Moreover, the freshest ones often do not taste the best. Leave them indoors for several days. Grapefruits will become sweeter after water evaporates a little bit.

Oranges: rich vitamins

As a seasonal fruit with abundant vitamin B1, orange is beneficial to the nervous system. It has the effect of relieving coughs and reducing phlegm and is a good option for people with lung problems.

Vitamin B1 is recommended on the daily nutrition list. Have an orange or two every day to meet your daily demands for vitamin B1. But, don't eat too many, or your might easily get inflamed.

Don't be bothered by the white tangerine pits, which have proven effective against chronic bronchitis and coronary heart disease, as well as chest problems.