Chinese scholar Lu Haina elected as member of UN Human Rights Council Special Procedures

2023-10-15 Editor:Mo Honge

(ECNS) -- Chinese human rights scholar Lu Haina was elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council Working Group on discrimination against women and girls at the 54th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on Friday.

Lu is the only Chinese expert on the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council and the second Chinese expert elected to the position since its establishment in 1967.

Lu currently serves as executive director of the Human Rights Research Center at Renmin University of China and professor at the Renmin University of China Law School.

She is also a member of China Society for Human Rights Studies and the editorial board of Human Rights magazine.

Lu obtained a Ph.D in law from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, and a master degree on human rights from the Norwegian Center for Human Rights.

Composed of five independent experts of balanced geographical representation, the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls aims to intensify efforts to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls throughout the world.

In accordance with the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council, Lu will serve a three-year term and is elgible for a re-elected term.

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