Unleashing agricultural potential in saline-alkali soil

2024-06-25 Ecns.cn Editor:Mo Honge

Since 2012, President Xi Jinping has given important instructions on the protection of farmland and utilization of saline-alkali soil.

On May 11, 2023, Xi inspected a saline-alkali wheat field in Huanghua City, Hebei Province, to learn about saline-alkali tolerant wheat production.

The field was once heavily salinized, but saline-alkali tolerant wheat varieties have been cultivated thanks to improved soil and technology. 

The once saline-alkali land has been transformed into a "granary," with bountiful harvests emerging and the lives of local people becoming increasingly prosperous.

China should be well-prepared, remain vigilant on food security, and adhere to the principle of self-sufficiency based on domestic grain production, guaranteed production capacity, moderate food imports and technological support, Xi said.

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