Laos officially commences 15-day visa-free policy for Chinese tourists

2024-07-01 Editor:Mo Honge

(ECNS) -- Lao's 15-day visa-free policy for Chinese tourists officially took effect on Monday, according to a document issued by the Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Laos.

The document states that ordinary tourists from the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan who are accompanied by travel agents are eligible for the policy.

The policy, which commenced on July 1 and lasts until December 31 this year, is designed to encourage tourism and strengthen cultural and economic ties between Laos and China.

"As 2024 is the Visit Laos Year, we hope that we will have more tourists coming to Laos," said Darany Phommavongsa, Lao deputy minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, in a previous interview. 

Phommavongsa noted that Laos welcomed more than 3.4 million international visitors in 2023.

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