Over 10 giant pandas to head home this year

2024-06-21 chinadaily.com.cn Editor:Li Yan

More than 10 giant pandas will return to China this year, an official of China Wildlife Conservation Association said in Beijing on Thursday.

"So far this year, we have already finished the transfer and return work of seven giant pandas, including Fu Bao," said Si Ping, deputy secretary-general of the association, at a news conference held by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

Giant panda Fu Bao, who was born in the Republic of Korea in 2020 and returned to China in April, met the public for the first time after moving into the Wolong Shenshuping Base in Sichuan province of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda.

"According to provisions of the Sino-foreign giant panda cooperation agreement, another 10-plus giant pandas will be returned either because their agreements are ending or because the cubs have reached the designated age," Si said.

Since the 1990s, China has conducted giant panda conservation and research with 26 institutions from 20 countries.

The country plans to initiate a new round of giant panda international cooperation with Spain, the United States, Australia and Austria this year, Si added.

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