Chinese mainland condemns Taiwan leader's call for 'national identity'

2024-07-23 Editor:Li Yan

Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te has once again revealed his "Taiwan independence" stance by openly advocating for the establishment of a so-called "national identity" on the island, a Chinese mainland spokesman said on Monday.

Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, condemned Lai for his recent remarks at a Democratic Progressive Party meeting, where Lai expressed intentions to build Taiwan into a "country" and ensure "national sovereignty."

"Taiwan is an integral part of China. While reunification across the Strait has not yet been achieved, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided and will never be allowed to be divided. Taiwan has never been a country and cannot become one," Chen stated.

Chen criticized the DPP for disregarding history, facts, and public opinion, adhering to a "Taiwan independence" separatist stance, refusing to accept the one-China principle, and obstructing cross-Strait exchanges, cooperation, and integration. He argued that this stance has led to tensions in cross-Strait relations, jeopardizing peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and harming the interests of compatriots on both sides.

Chen called on people on both sides of the Strait to unite, recognize the nature and harm of the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and their activities, and resolutely oppose the DPP authorities' provocative "Taiwan independence" actions.

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